Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Week 1....


2 things about me:
1.  I was an accountant
2.  I moved to Rockhampton to pursue the GDLT study internally.
Who cares?  TEACHERS!
I had no idea until I read this weeks materials, but those 2 statements alone share SO much about my learning style. 
I decided to complete the Felder & Solomon Learning Style Inventory....how accurate can it be right? 

Let's look at my strong preferences:
  • Sensing v Intuitive
  • Visual v Verbal
  • Sequential v Global
Now how does that relate to being an accountant? 
  • Sensing - like facts, well established methods, patient with details, comfortable with mathematical formulas, good at memorising facts, practical, routine, links to the "real world"
  • Visual - use diagrams, flow charts and visual aids to reflect ideas, colour coding
  • Sequential - understand linear, logical steps, sometimes struggle to see the "big picture"

Wendy mentioned in the Week 1 overview that the materials have been structured in a way that both sequential AND global learners' needs are met...LUCKY! 
Learning Theories
I included the second statement about me as a link to talk about learning styles. 
I am a strong believer in Social Constructivism.  So much so that I relocated from Townsville to Rockhampton to be physically present in a learning community where through social interactions and face-to-face tutorials I can learn how to become the best teacher I can possibly be.   
I believe that "learning" is a state within an individual (the light bulb has to switch on internally).

It can happen externally, but does she REALLY get it? 

We may well have access to a multitude of resources and have information anywhere, anytime but it is how we process the information (through Behaviourism, Cognitism or Social Constructivism theories) that facilitates true understanding/comprehension/learning.  I don't believe Connectivism is a theory but more a way to support "learning" in an information gathering context. 
Food for thought....

Below is a photo of my favourite artwork I have hanging on a wall at home.  I bought it from a local artist on a recent holiday to China.  As he explained, the painting reflects his interpretation of the famous quote by ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius:
"When there are 3 people walking, my teacher is bound to be among them"
Social Constructivism or Connectivism? ..............


  1. Wow Susan! You have hit the ground running. Great to see you have started thinking about learning theory as it relates to ICT for learning design.
    I would suggest connectivism is strong in the art work as learners need to see potential in every situation.
    Can I also suggest that teachers have a mix of theories that influence their ways of working with learners.
    What do you think?

    1. I'm your exact opposite in learning style Susan.

      But from the things I've seen you create it makes me want to use images more and creating a more ordered structure to my plans and posts. Having that variety of teaching tools is very exciting.

      and I agree with your connectivist view of the painting Gary. It has that very Zen quality of going deeper into the image to find the meaning, that we can learn form almost any situation.

  2. Hey Susan, love the blog so far really interesting. I am still slightly at sea on some of the more technical aspects of this course. Whether they like it or not it seems to assume a degree of content knowledge about technology that some of us to be frank just still have to catch up with. But I will get there.

    If it makes you feel better I was as far over as you on some of my responses! I perhaps was no as far over as you on the answers but only by abit. I think I have learned how to follow your blog so I will just go from there. Catch up soon.

  3. Hi Susan, I think your blog is fantastic - it is humorous and very visually effective - really enjoyed reading it.

    1. Thanks Emma!

      Have you watched the movie I loaned you yesterday? Isn't Rebel Wilson just hilarious?

      See how easy it is to get off task when working within a blog? Unless teachers establish rules and guidelines for blog use in a classroom/education context there is potential for students to get off track and not be engaged in the task at hand.

      What are your thoughts?

